Email Marketing Blueprint – PLR Products
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Email Marketing Blueprint

Email Marketing Blueprint with MRR Rights

Email Marketing BlueprintAs an experienced email marketer who have been using emails to reach my subscribers for years, I spotted a huge difference in the trend. What used to work in 2006 no longer works today.

Then there were some not so obvious details I uncovered not too long ago myself yet influential to the email open and click through rates!

Based on testing and observing 9.2 million emails sent in the past 12 months, I had arrived at a conclusion that mass human behavior is predictable to a degree. Which means there are some things you can count on indefinitely…
Which also means there are approaches that produce predictable responses from email marketing! Introducing Email Marketing Blueprint . .

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About the Author admin

Running businesses online since 2005, Kevin Fahey owner and operator of this site, has spent the last few years independently developing his own online system of doing things. Frustrated with the seemingly endless hurdles and the lack of help that face most entrepreneurs starting out he has devised to give back and help. To find out more about Kevin and access his free training visit his blog here: and

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